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Learning Disability Systems are those constellations and networks, made up of the connections of people and ideas which gather around any person or family living with learning disabilities. These systems therefore include families, friendship groups, and the often myriad of professional practitioners, from a variety of support agencies, and includes, importantly, all of the ideas each brings with them. We allies, often share responsibilities to serve the person and their family in somehow ‘levelling up’ the potential opportunities and resources, in order to reduce the inequality those living with Learning Disabilities endure.SHIELDS tries to support anyone who is active in those systems, by recognising the complexity of the issues facing them; witnessing to their efforts to improve the quality of life in those systems, and offering a community of practice where resource of ideas and learning can be shared. The community recognises that a more ‘systemic’ and relational approach to working in these systems tends to minimise the risks of furthering abusive practices; pathologizing disability, or patronising carers. Instead we believe systemic approaches promote better relationships and collaborative practices, human rights, and achievement of greater potential by all. There are many people who have been part of the development of the community and who join the regular workshop events. These events are co-ordinated by Victoria Jones and Kieran Vivian-Byrne.

Centre for Systemic Studies ©2024

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